Standards of Instruction Affirmation
As an affirmation of my commitment to “High Performance Pitching” excellence, I will encourage and instruct techniques reinforcing efficient and safe pitching mechanics. Below is a list of “foundational building blocks” that will be a consistent part of my instructional methods:
- Posture and Core Stability
- Internal Rotation and Pronation
- Brush Trigger and Arm Stabilization
- Arm Whip
- Reciprocal Arms Timing and Balance
- Hand Orientation
- Ball Release Timing
- Drive Leg Engagement & Unforced Opening
- Backward Chaining & Progression Training
- Positive Coaching
As an affirmation of my commitment to fastpitch pitching excellence I will refrain from teaching mechanics that may be inefficient or unsafe. Below is a list of movements which will not be in my instructional methods:
- Hello Elbow/Forced Follow Through
- Wrist Flips
- Locked Out/Straight Arm/”Long Arm Circle”
- Exaggerated Opening/Closing
- Glove Arm Extremes
- Palm on top of the ball or towards 2nd
- Upper torso/shoulders muscling forward action
- To Open/To Closed at release
- Arm Circle not parallel with PL
- Ninja Move (no brush trigger)/Butt Out/Clear a Path
- Extreme Spiraling/Gyro pitches
- Forced Figure 4/Flamingo Toe Drag
- Stride foot landing angle extremes
- Stride foot landing heel first
- The use of “body english” to power or spin the ball
- Crow-hopping/Airborne thrusting foot
(you may either sign, scan, email to or send via mail to PaulyGirl Fastpitch, 13130 Sodbury Drive, Midlothian, Va. 23113)
all paulygirl certified coaches must agree to these principles
Click the button below to download a PDF copy which must be signed and returned to PaulyGirl FastPitch and High Performance Pitching.