Certified Coach Locator
If you’re searching for a PaulyGirl certified coach, this is the place!
Coaches undergo rigorous training and review by our professional team in order to become “Certified”. With this designation, we can confirm that these coaches understand the standards of safety, best-practices, and knowledge that we teach. Furthermore, these coaches have agreed to train athletes using these principles.
You can either search by region or by using the Coach Location map. These have the same listings of coaches available – they are just different presentations.
Find a coach by Region
Name Certification Level Location Email
Rick Pauly Elite Richmond, Va. fhpauly@hotmail.com
Shaun Walker Elite Bruno,West Virginia shaunkwalker@gmail.com
Scott Young Elite Charleston, West Virginia unitysoftballwv@gmail.com
Joe Ferguson Elite Spring City, Pennsylvania jofergy@aol.com
George Adams Intermediate College Grove, Tennessee gadams7100@gmail.com
Hayley Yourous Elite Rineyville, Kentucky heyourous@gmail.com
Tim Hadden Elite Falls Church, Virginia timhadden@verizon.net
Anthony Allen Elite Kearneysville, West Virginia aallen0629@gmail.com
Christian Rubeling Elite Baltimore, Maryland rubeling@gmail.com
Michael Alger Elite Shenandoah, Virginia Malger@embarqmail.com
Eric Vrem Intermediate Waldorf, Maryland Vremeric@gmail.com
Kenneth Bowens Intermediate Chattaroy, West Virginia bowensbran@gmail.com
Michael Piercy Elite Scranton, Pennsylvania pierc21@gmail.com
Jason Spears Elite Church Hill, Tennessee jasontspears@gmail.com
Rob Greer Intermediate Nashville, Tennessee rob.greer1345@comcast.net
Pedro Hernandez Intermediate Spring Hill, Tennessee pedro_rhernandez@yahoo.com
Steve Rutherford Elite Coeburn, Virginia steverutherf@gmail.com
Pete Rose Elite Raleigh, North Carolina coach_pete.rose@yahoo.com
Chris Dorer Intermediate Midlothian, Virginia midlofastpitch@gmail.com
Chip White Intermediate Providence Forge, Virginia 5275brandonpines@gmail.com
Lorin Noel Intermediate Ridgeley, West Virginia lnoel1083@gmail.com
Sandra Moore Intermediate Richmond, Virginia strikinguout@gmail.com
James Murnahan Elite Kenova, West Virginia murnahan44@gmail.com
Keith McLaughlin Intermediate Mechanicsville, MD. keithmcl@verizon.net
Scott Emerson Elite Zuni, Virginia semersonz3@hotmail.com
Jon Schlegel Elite Great Falls, Virginia jon_schlegel@yahoo.com
Max Hechter Intermediate Sterling, Virginia maxhechter1@gmail.com
Leigh Zarelli Lewis Intermediate McLean, Virginia lzarelli@gmail.com
Jarrod Tibbs Elite Waynesboro, Virginia JARRODTIBBS@GMAIL.COM
Jeremy Abraham Intermediate Chapmanville, WV jeremy@minelifeline.com
Kelsey Garrison Intermediate Dyke, Virginia GarrisonHVAC79@gmail.com
Shawn Napier Elite Lavalette, West Virginia shawn3202@gmail.com
Sean Bandura Intermediate Chesapeake, Virginia spbandura@gmail.com
James Martin Intermediate Huntington, WV jaymz917@gmail.com
Kyle Bruce Intermediate Gloucester, Virginia kylebbruce@hotmail.com
Somer Smith Intermediate Port Tobacco, Maryland somerlea.smith@icloud.com
Emily Oltman Intermediate Lansdale, Pa. emilyo2016@yahoo.com
Cisco DelCarmen Elite Crozet, Va. cisco.delcarmen@gmail.com
Name Cert Level Location Email
Sarah Pauly Elite Austin, Tx. PaulyGirl_23@yahoo.com
Jamie Mendez Intermediate Mesa, Arizona cahalan22@yahoo.com
Kerry Hand Intermediate Buffalo, Tx. kerry.hand@fairfieldisd.org
Waylon Whitney Intermediate Arlington, Tx. waylon_whitney@hotmail.com
Cord Garcia Intermediate Abilene, Tx. cord@t-troofing.com
Laurie Wilson Elite McKinney, Tx. 24sevensoftball@gmail.com
Dustin Shaver Intermediate Peoria, Arizona jdshaver10@cox.net
David Wachal Intermediate Highland Village, Tx. djwachal@gmail.com
Dan Austin Intermediate Kingman, Az. danaustin7979@yahoo.com
Billy Barbee Elite Queen Creek, Arizona bbarbee58@yahoo.com
Caitlin Hespe Intermediate Fort Worth, Tx caitlinr.hespe@gmail.com
Jordynn Wagner Elite Maricopa, Az. jowiegert@gmail.com
Name Certification Level Location Email
Paul YuYang Intermediate West Sacramento, California pyuyang@yahoo.com
Ben Coury Intermediate Dana Point, California bencoury.bc@gmail.com
Name Certification Level Location Email
Joe Ferguson Elite Philadelphia, Pa. Area jofergy@aol.com
Jesse Rosenhahn Elite Buffalo, New York jesserosenhahn@gmail.com
Dan Rousselle Intermediate Kennebunk, Maine danjrousselle@yahoo.com
Michael Cabral Intermediate Dover/FoxCroft, Maine skfastpitch@gmail.com
Jason Snyder Elite Morgan, Pa. Snyder74jason@yahoo.com
Michael Piercy Intermediate Olyphant, Pennsylvania pierc21@gmail.com
Jill Evans Intermediate Ledyard, Connecticut jmmastra@yahoo.com
Linda Lensch Elite Tinton Falls, New Jersey greasedlightningfastpitch@gmail.com
Michael Lee Intermediate Madbury, New Hampshire michael.ian.lee@gmail.com
Frank Iovine Intermediate Toms River, New Jersey frankiovine@me.com
Jeff Bracken Intermediate Morris Plains, New Jersey jbracken1112@gmail.com
William Bowers Intermediate Webster, New York wjbowers_15@me.com
Charlotte Lomb Intermediate Allison Park, Pa. charlotte.lomb@gmail.com
Michael Getman Intermediate Webster, New York mgetman@wesleyan.edu
Nicole Genua Intermediate Brookfield, Connecticut nicolejasmine@gmail.com
Adam (Shawn) Smith Elite Bedford, New Hampshire shawnasmithsp@gmail.com
Morgan Rivers Elite Fairfield, Vermont morganrivers1987@hotmail.com
Ryan Kohlmeier Intermediate Webster, NY Xtreme12uKohlmeier@gmail.com
Jeremy Morehouse Intermediate Ravena, New York morehousej@apcsd.org
Michael Kane Elite Waretown, NJ mikekane7391@gmail.com
Randy Nelson Intermediate Webster, NY rnelson183@gmail.com
Thomas Kosmowski Elite East Amherst, NY tkosmowski@yahoo.com
Brian Benson Intermediate Bedford, New Hampshire brian.j.benson@gmail.com
Rachel Coleman Intermediate Pennsville, NJ coleman@starsnational.com
James Amsterdam Intermediate
Name Certification Level Location Email
Ken Krause Elite Mundelein, Illinois kkrause342@aol.com
John Oothoudt Elite Blue Earth, Minnesota johnoo@frontiernet.net
James Clark Elite Centerville, Indiana jeclark96@yahoo.com
Matt Weiderman Elite Sturgis, Michigan weidermanmotorsports@yahoo.com
Jay Bolden Elite St.John, Indiana/Chicago coach.jbolden@gmail.com
Ron McDonald Elite Columbus, Indiana rmcdonaldfp@gmail.com
Terry Schmitz Elite Lake City, Minnesota ts81206@gmail.com
Jeff “JR” Sedlack Elite Crystal Lake, Illinois jr@jumbofastpitch.com
Beth Jokhio Elite Hudson, Ohio beth@fluidfastpitch.com
Mike Cormier Elite Birmingham, Michigan mikecor2@comcast.net
James Adams Elite Bloomington, Illinois Jamesfarm@me.com
Colin Williams Elite Prior Lake, Minnesota pntrdogs@nuveramail.net
Tim Babbitt Intermediate Beach Grove, Indiana tbabbitt@bgcs.k12.in.us
Scott Christensen Elite Verona, Wisconsin smchristensen@gmail.com
Archie (Brent) West Intermediate Blue Mound, Kansas buffalomound@gmail.com
Kent Cronin Elite Kingsley, Iowa kscronin@frontier.com
Brian Patterson Elite Tremont, Illinois bdpatterson1992@netzero.com
Matt Schober Elite Glen Allen, Missouri sbcoachmat@yahoo.com
Debbie Cunconan Elite Warrensburg/KC Missouri dcunconan@ucmo.edu
Melissa Engel Intermediate Granada, Minnesota Mjengel77@yahoo.com
Steve Howard Elite Grand Rapids, Michigan wcfpsch@comcast.net
Adolfo Arreola Elite Chicago, Illinois aarreo1@uic.edu
Shane Brown Intermediate Oak Ridge, Missouri steeltree22@msn.com
Tyler Inselmann Intermediate Peoria, Illinois tyinse95@gmail.com
Dustin Collelo Elite Barnum (Duluth), Mn. spippen33us@yahoo.com
Scott Christopherson Elite New London, Mn. scrush350@gmail.com
Matt Meierkort Elite Evergreen Park, Illinois Mlsconstruction@ymail.com
Sam Smith Intermediate Eaton, Ohio sam.smith.1@hotmail.com
Amanda Cleek Intermediate Union Mills, Indiana ajcleek87@gmail.com
Richard MtCastle Intermediate Lewisburg, Ohio Rlmtcastle@Gmail.com
Javier Mejia Intermediate Monroe, Ohio j.mejia1@icloud.com
Dave Bandstra Elite Grand Rapids, Michigan bigdave5023@yahoo.com
Tina Depa Intermediate Mt. Prospect, Illinois tinadepa5@gmail.com
Andrew Vanden Berg Elite Jenison, Michigan avandenberg@comcast.net
Charles Haltom Elite Franklin, Indiana chuckhaltom@icloud.com
Kyle Lightbody Elite Wentzville, Missouri Kylel@1791.com
Christian Schiff Elite Manly, Iowa cschiff75@gmail.com
Dan Exstrom Elite Shorewood, Illinois dan@ilselect.org
Ramsey Matarieh Elite Antioch, Illinois RMatarieh@gmail.com
Jillien Waldron Intermediate Batavia, Illinois Jill.waldron@me.com
Cody Bland Intermediate Willow Wood, Ohio phenomfp@gmail.com
Bryan Hoffman Elite Chicago, Illinois Hoffman.bryan31@gmail.com
Tim McIntyre Elite Escanaba, Michigan tmcintyre75@hotmail.com
Sara Camp Intermediate Portage, Indiana saracamp1607@gmail.com
Trevor Walraven Intermediate St. Charles, Mo. trevor@tjwalraven.com
Steven Isaacs Elite Floyds Knob, Indiana srisaacs@gmail.com
Carol Krumm Intermediate New Bremen, Ohio ckrumm14@gmail.com
Neale Danridge Intermediate Pinckney, Michigan ndanridge@outlook.com
Julie Disney Intermediate Dyer, Indiana jkdisney1213@gmail.com
Mark Kuiper Intermediate Woodstock, Illinois Markkuiper@ameritech.net
Josi Thompson Intermediate Hanlontown, Iowa sethandhisladies@gmail.com
Gilbert Izzo Intermediate Evergreen Park, Illinois gilbertizzo@comcast.net
Mike Welsch Elite West Des Moines, Iowa welschmike5@yahoo.com
Jeff Ledgerwood Elite Cary, Illinois jeff.ledgerwood@gmail.com
Gary Alvarez Elite Griffith, Indiana garyjamesalvarez@gmail.com
Mike Diggs Intermediate Creighton, Missouri thediggs4@gmail.com
Ron Hill Intermediate Eastpoint, Michigan rhill0620@gmail.com
Shana Brunsvold Intermediate Northwood, Iowa brunsvos@gmail.com
Sarah Szalai Intermediate Sugar Grove, Illinois sarahszalai1351@gmail.com
Jason Schnaare Elite Twin Lakes, Wisconsin coachJSchnaare@gmail.com
Megan Norton Intermediate Woodstock, Illinois megannorton71@gmail.com
Cory Hiatt Intermediate Kasson, Minnesota cor_hiatt@yahoo.com
Jose Serrano Intermediate Chicago, Illinois joser.serrano@ymail.com
Jim Batista Intermediate Ionia, Michigan BatistaJim66@gmail.com
Neil Dowd Elite Yorktown, Indiana ndowdpd@sbcglobal.net
Todd Peter Elite Shaker Heights, Ohio tdpeter100@gmail.com
Lori Evert Intermediate West Bend, Wisconsin lori.evert@hotmail.com
Michael Bugaj Elite Hinsdale, Illinois michaelbugaj@yahoo.com
Kris Holt Intermediate Mound City, Kansas holt60@yahoo.com
Michael Johnson Intermediate Forest City, Iowa johnson.michaelj@gmail.com
Mike Nezgoda Elite Westmont, Illinois mnezgoda@gmail.com
Michael Kierbach Intermediate Edwardsville, Illinois m.kierb@gmail.com
Lilly Trager Intermediate Owatonna, Mn jandmtrager@yahoo.com
Jennifer Koons Intermediate Salem, Ohio jennifer.koons@me.com
John Fox Elite Taylor, Pennsylvania foxxy0044@aol.com
Barbara Crockett Intermediate Langdon, North Dakota barbito3736@yahoo.com
Daryl Scholz Elite Sartell, Minnesota darylscholz@gmail.com
Tony Nelson Intermediate Whiteland, Indiana tnel10@hotmail.com
Manuel Martinez Intermediate Davenport, Iowa manuelmarcus@gmail.com
Kevin Staggs Intermediate Greensburg, Indiana staggsindianahustl@gmail.com
Name Certification Level Location Email
Danielle Ashworth Elite Langley, BC , Canada cripplepitch@hotmail.com
Rebecca Goudy Elite London, Ontario, Canada rebeccagoudy@hotmail.com
Sarah Bratt Intermediate Maple Ridge British Columbia, Canada whippitchca@gmail.com
Name Certification Level Location Email
Mikhy Koehler Elite Pace, Florida Mikhy.Koehler@outlook.com
Grant Grantham Elite Bristol, Florida Grant.Grantham@lcsb.org
Todd Edalgo Elite Macon, Georgia toddedalgo@gmail.com
Phil Gartman Elite Kinder, Louisiana pgartman48@icloud.com
Shaun Gleason Elite Bluffton, SC shaungleason71@gmail.com
Heather Cole Elite Ooltewha, Tn furypremiercole@gmail.com
Leroy (Bo) Rush Intermediate Atlanta, Georgia email.borush@gmail.com
Laura Gartman Intermediate Kinder, Lousiana lgartman8@icloud.com
Rob Greer Intermediate Nashville, Tennessee rob.greer1345@comcast.net
Jason Spears Elite Nashville, Tennessee jasontspears@gmail.com
Jason Oakes Elite Sneads Ferry, NC oakes376@yahoo.com
Pedro Hernandez Intermediate Spring Hill, Tn. pedro_rhernandez@yahoo.com
Chase Belk Elite Brandon, Mississippi Chasebelksoftball@gmail.com
Gina Furrey Elite Lakeland, Florida furreyfastpitch@gmail.com
Pete Rose Intermediate Clayton, NC coach_pete.rose@yahoo.com
Joe Banks Elite Millstone, Kentucky joebanksnp@gmail.com
Keeley Byrnes Intermediate Orlando, Florida byrneskeeley@gmail.com
Abbie Millete Intermediate Tallahassee, Florida amillete10@yahoo.com
Julie Pemberton Intermediate Loganville, Georgia julie.pemberton@gmail.com
Shannon Pope Intermediate Fayetteville, Arkansas slpope75@yahoo.com
Hector Morales Intermediate Kissimmee, Florida moralreb@gmail.com
Calli Love Elite Spartanburg, SC richards_calli@yahoo.com
Patrick Rushbrook Intermediate Olive Hill, Kentucky prushbrook@gmail.com
Becky Oakes Intermediate Burlington, Kentucky oakesbeck@gmail.com
Chandler Madden Elite Greenville, SC ChandlerBall12@gmail.com
Matthew Whitener Intermediate Indian Land, SC matt.whitener@outlook.com
Jordan Stevens Intermediate Walnut Cove, NC jordancstevens7@gmail.com
Sean Flanagan Intermediate Oviedo, Florida okla1984@aol.com
Carlie Olivas Intermediate Anniston, Alabama casarge88@gmail.com
Kat Laitner Intermediate Apopka, Florida katchic18@gmail.com
Ross Slaubaugh Intermediate New Bern, NC 4everaerial@gmail.com
Lacie Perry Elite Deland, Florida perrylacie00@icloud.com
Gary Barnett Intermediate Biloxi, Mississippi Garysr@pm.me
Jordan Spigner Intermediate Chuluota, Florida jordanspigner11@gmail.com
Brad Gillum Intermediate Greenup, Kentucky gillum_brad@yahoo.com
Jessy Kegley Elite Greenup, Kentucky Jessy_Kegley@yahoo.com
George Mounce Elite Caledonia, Mississippi gdmvproxy@gmail.com
Anthony Childers Intermediate Pikeville, Kentucky ANTHONYECHILDERS@HOTMAIL.COM
Richard Parsons Elite Buford, Georgia richardparsons@protonmail.com
Molly Malone Intermediate Charlotte, NC mollyt.mccarthy@gmail.com
Jenni Edwins Intermediate Summerville, SC jbedwins12@gmail.com
Mitchell Vaughn Intermediate Louisville, Georgia newmitch72@gmail.com
Jennifer Hurst Intermediate Chipley, Florida andersonjenn11986@gmail.com
Lori Ritchie Intermediate Campbellsburg, KY ritchie91402@yahoo.com
Mandi Summey Intermediate Mills River, NC msummey87@gmail.com
Name Cert Level Location Email
Cody Vandermyn Elite Kenmore, Washington codeman9@hotmail.com
Lee Ford Elite Woodinville, Washington abcoachlee@gmail.com
Garett Rehbein Elite Battle Ground, Washington grehbein@msn.com
Chris Davies Elite Portland, Oregon chrisdavies8@outlook.com
Scott Vandehey Intermediate Portland, Oregon coach.vandehey@gmail.com
Doug Romrell Elite Logan, Utah dougromrell@gmail.com
Robert Hales Elite West Haven, Utah rob@robhales.com
Gina Steadman Intermediate Evergreen, Colorado gsteadman025@gmail.com
Justin Shook Intermediate Meridian, Idaho jsshook3@gmail.com
Mallory Norris Intermediate Cedar Fort, Utah bradandmal@live.com
Jayli Leach Intermediate Panguitch, Utah jayli.leach@gmail.com
Loa Kay Bowth orpe Intermediate Vernal, Utah knib10@yahoo.com
Mike Allen Elite Littleton, Colorado mike@allenglobal.us
Derrick Pyles Intermediate Salt Lake City, Utah super1jack@gmail.com
Allie Laub Intermediate St. George, Utah allisonlaub5@gmail.com
Greta Cecchetti Elite Bollate, Milano, Italy Greta.Cecchetti@gmail.com
Jens Hopfe Intermediate Bielefeld, Germany j.hopfe@web.de
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Please contact all coaches directly. For privacy purposes, map points above are general and not specific to their individual addresses.
A Coach’s location may change; contact the coach by clicking the icons on the map and emailing the coach directly for confirmation. Pauly Girl Fast Pitch provides this as a convenience and does our best to maintain accurate data, but we cannot be responsible for accuracy of the map above.
Disclosure: The Coaches listed on our website as being Certified act totally as independent third parties and are not part of PaulyGirl Fastpitch LLC or High Performance Pitching business. Coaches Certification is solely an affirmation that a person has completed a rigorous educational tract created by High Performance Pitching. These Certified Coaches have completed the required courses, passed all the requisite quizzes, tests, and competency interviews to achieve this affirmation. High Performance Pitching requires several affirmations on the part of the Certified Coaches including; passing a background check, completing a Child Safety Course and passing the related test, signing a Code of Conduct/Ethics, and signing an Instructional Code. Responsibility for selection of a Certified Coach is the total responsibility of the Parents, Coaches, or Associates who direct the training of another individual. Since these Certified Coaches are totally independent from High Performance Pitching, High Performance Pitching is not liable in any manner for the actions of these persons. No employment or agency relationship exists between certified coaches and PaulyGirl Fastpitch, LLC. PaulyGirl Fastpitch, LLC and High Performance Pitching does not exercise any control over certified coaches and is not liable for the actions of these independent third-parties.