certification Process
Step #1: Complete the Background/Child Safety Course
Completing the Background Check and Child Safety Course is a prerequisite for the Coach Certification Course. You will not be allowed into the Certification process until your Background Check is completed and you have passed the Child Safety course. PaulyGirl Fastpitch will be notified by Protect Youth Sports when you have passed your Background Check. Additionally, once you have passed the Background Check you will receive an email from Verity/Protect Youth Sports directing you to the Child Safety Course. Once both the Background Check and the Child Safety Course are completed, you will be notified by PaulyGirl Fastpitch that you can purchase the Certification Course.
Special Notes:
Completing the Intermediate Level Certification is a prerequisite to pursuing the Elite Certification Level.
It is not a prerequisite to complete the Beginner Level courses prior to entering the Intermediate Level Certification. Much of that material is in the Intermediate Level, but in greater detail.
Do not purchase the Certification Course until you are notified by PaulyGirl Fastpitch that you have passed the Background Check/Child Safety Course.
Step #2: Register/Pay Your Certification Fee
Once you’ve received your completed background check confirmation, you can pay the course Certification fee. Note that courses are not included in the Certification fee. They are purchased separately, however, once you purchase the Certification Program you will receive a 33% discount on all course purchases. PaulyGirl Fastpitch receives a confirmation when you have completed the Certification Program purchase. At that time your user profile will be moved into a special Coaching Certification group that automatically applies a 33% discount to any course you purchase within that Certification Level. This move into the special purchasing group may take up to 24 hours, so please be patient.
Step #3: Follow the Prescribed Learning Pathway
Completing each course within the Certification Level is a requirement. You may purchase/take the courses in any order you desire, however they must all be completed to achieve the Coaching Certification designation.
Step #4: Pass All Quizzes/Tests
Each paid course has a quiz at the end of it. You are required to take each quiz and receive a passing score. The quizzes typically consist of 7-12 questions with multiple choice answers.
Step #5: Personal Interview
At the completion of your coursework and quizzing, you will do a personal interview with Rick and/or Sarah. The topics of this interview will center on your understanding of the content of the courses, your understanding of how to coach in a positive manner, and your dedication to the safety of the youth you coach.
Step #6: Sign the Code of Conduct/Ethics
This nationally recognized Code of Conduct/Ethics was created by the US Olympic Committee. PaulyGirl Fastpitch has adopted this code for all Certified Coaches to adhere to.
Step #7: Sign the Standards of Instruction Document
The “High Performance Pitching Coach Certification Program” is a result of the passion PaulyGirl Fastpitch has for the health and safety of our youth pitchers and in providing the opportunity to every aspiring pitcher to be all they can be. This standards document is a synopsis of the inefficiencies to avoid in your instruction and the efficiencies you should embrace in your instruction.
Sign the Standards of Instruction document below: