High Performance Pitching Promotional Course

Course offered to provide a free look at our offering.

21 students enrolled
Created by rfgadmin
Last updated April 9, 2020
All Levels


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This course has been created to give you a complimentary view of our online university. This course will give you an introductory look at some typical video lessons you would find in each training level we offer. (Beginner, Intermediate, and Elite)

The combination of these three levels incorporates 25 courses with over 160 video training lessons organized in a progression of increasing skills. Additionally, there is a Coach Certification available to those completing a prescribed lesson and testing pathway.

You will be asked to add the course to your cart, but the cost will be ZERO (just put in your coupon code).

Enjoy this complimentary course and we do welcome feedback.

From Rick and Sarah Pauly, we thank you for your interest in PaulyGirl Fastpitch and our  “High Performance Pitching” online education and certification program!



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